Phs003067 data availability

On the dbGaP website, Anvil is listed as storing the molecular dataset phs003067. However, I am unable to find it. I understand that access is required to view the actual data, but I would at least expect to see a reference confirming that the dataset is available.

Has anyone successfully located it or can confirm where it is listed?


Hello @Dietmar

Thank you for your question.

For this particular dataset (phs003067), we recommend you apply for access to the ALS Compute collection, which will have the harmonized data. But we could also connect you with the submitter to make sure the collection has what you need.


Dear Javier,
Thank you for your response.
I have reviewed the ALS Compute collection (link) and found that it only includes molecular data for ALS under phs001585.v4.p2. I will evaluate this dataset, and I understand that the standard procedure for requesting access through dbGaP applies to this project. Please let me know if I am mistaken.
Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could share the contact information for the submitter you mentioned, so I can confirm whether the collection includes the data I need.
Thanks in advance,
