Category | Topics |
HelpThis category is your go-to place for all general questions and support related to the AnVIL platform. Whether you are a new user looking for guidance on getting started, or an experienced user facing an unexpected issue, ask your questions here. Topics can include:
AnnouncementsAnnouncements from the forum staff and moderators. Please check here regularly to stay informed about updates, changes, and events.
Data AccessThis is the place to ask questions and find solutions related to data access.
AnVIL DemosMonthly 30-min demonstration followed by open Q&A.
GDSCNDiversifying the genomic data science research community
FeedbackWe want to hear from you! Share your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas about AnVIL. Your feedback helps us improve the platform and make it better for everyone.
Feature RequestsHelp us improve AnVIL! Contribute your suggestions for new features, tools, and enhancements. Your input is valuable as we work to make AnVIL the future of human genomic data science.